
Lower For … Ever?

In a challenging economic environment, where can executives look for relief? Asset reliability and maintenance are becoming key value drivers, thanks to big data technologies, analytics and machine learning.


Making Secure Technology Choices in the Energy Industry

To remain competitive, energy companies increasingly look to artificial intelligence and machine learning to boost their advantage. But AI is everywhere now and everybody knows about its potential... so how do you create a real competitive advantage?


Managing Risk to Thrive in the Engineering Evolution

EPCs need to focus on three areas of risk to meet their goals: project execution, process design and cost estimation. Find out how digital technologies can help.


Manufacturing Schedule Optimization, A Powerful Force Multiplier

Chemical manufacturers are increasingly aware of the opportunity to improve cash flow, customer service and topline revenue by optimizing manufacturing schedules.


Manufacturing Strategy Imperative: (Re)Design for Cost Reductions and Resilience

Manufacturers can benefit from retooling production networks to strike the right balance between cost optimization and resilience to remain competitive as demand returns.


¿Qué Traerá el 2020 Para la Industria en América Latina?

Aún existe incertidumbre en América Latina, pero las empresas deben hacer todo lo posible para continuar operando como jugadores clave en la economía regional.


Mass Customization: A Key to Improving Customer Outcomes

How do you configure a manufacturing facility to optimally produce multiple, high-performing variants of the same chemical compound?


In Bahrain

The fourth Middle East Process Engineering Conference & Exhibition provided plenty of insights on the future of refining and petrochemicals.


Remote Implementation – What Are You Waiting For?

Faster implementation of new asset optimization solutions can generate more value in the “new normal” of our post-pandemic world.


Cómo sobreponerse a momentos críticos y adaptarse con su estrategia de digitalización

Las herramientas digitales pueden equipar a las empresas para responder a cambios sin precedentes. Conozca cómo la digitalización puede aumentar la resiliencia.

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