Executive Brief

EPC Perspectives: Accelerating Digital Transformation

EPC firms that were already under stress from the COVID-related downturn are investing heavily in digitalization initiatives. According to a June 2020 McKinsey report, EPCs have an opportunity to double their profitability by embracing a handful of “emerging disruptors.” One of these disruptors, digitalization of processes, is within reach for most EPCs and aligns with efforts and initiatives already underway at many firms.

Executive Brief

Executive Brief: EPC Perspectives - Generating New Revenue Streams from Plant Operations & Maintenance

This executive brief highlights the results of a recent survey conducted with Oil & Gas Journal on how EPC firms are pursuing new sources of revenue from the operations and maintenance phases of a project lifecycle.

Executive Brief

Improve Engineering Efficiency and Boost Operating Margins With Digital Excellence Solutions

The process industries are now more than ever being reshaped through digital initiatives, with the intent to become more proficient in designing, building and operating process plants. In this executive brief, read how AspenTech and Hexagon are working together to help engineering firms and plant owners realize their digitalization journey.

Executive Brief

5 Signs You Need Optimization - How Scheduling Technology Enhances Asset Utilization in Your Plants

Petrochemical companies have spent a significant amount of money to build assets that manufacture and distribute goods based on customer demand—and they expect a return on that investment. Investing in best-of-breed scheduling technology will streamline your business processes by helping you run your plants at full capacity while optimizing profitability.

Executive Brief

A Manutenção Preditiva enfrenta o Risco Operacional

No mercado global volátil, incerto, complexo e ambíguo (VUCA) de hoje, tudo está mudando - e em ambientes de produção, mudança significa risco aumentado. Como as organizações de capital intensivo podem minimizar seus riscos, especialmente quando a cobertura do seguro está menos prontamente disponível?

Executive Brief



Executive Brief



Executive Brief

El mantenimiento predictivo se enfrenta a los riesgos de operación

En el mercado global actual, volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo (VUCA por sus siglas en inglés), todo está cambiando, y en los entornos de producción, el cambio significa un mayor riesgo. ¿Cómo pueden las organizaciones intensivas en capital minimizar su riesgo, especialmente cuando la cobertura de seguro está disponible fácilmente?


Executive Brief

Executive Brief: EPC Perspectives - Generating New Revenue Streams from Plant Operations & Maintenance

This executive brief highlights the results of a recent survey conducted with Oil & Gas Journal on how EPC firms are pursuing new sources of revenue from the operations and maintenance phases of a project lifecycle.

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