News Article

The changing role of process optimization

The changing role of process optimization

News Article

Advanced Process Control - complex solution for complex problems

Advanced Process Control - complex solution for complex problems

News Article

A remedy for cost overruns, project delays

A remedy for cost overruns, project delays

News Article

Mapping app combats 'reactionary' fuel distribution

Mapping app combats 'reactionary' fuel distribution

News Article

Opinion: predicting 2016 for the downstream in 11 (actually 12) words

Opinion: predicting 2016 for the downstream in 11 (actually 12) words

News Article

Machine Learning Goes Viral in Oil Patch

Machine Learning Goes Viral in Oil Patch

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Model-based energy management reduces energy costs

Model-based energy management reduces energy costs

News Article

Process simulation software improves E&P appraisal, development success

Process simulation software improves E&P appraisal, development success

News Article

AspenTech can be compared to the likes of Google in the chemical engineering sector

AspenTech can be compared to the likes of Google in the chemical engineering sector

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