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Hexion Is Blazing New Trails In Improving Profitability

Forbes-Hexion Is Blazing New Trails In Improving Profitability


Oil, Gas Companies Deploy AI In The Fight To Reduce Carbon Emissions

Forbes-Oil Gas Companies Deploy AI In The Fight To Reduce Carbon Emissions

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The Self-Optimizing Plant Is Within Reach

Forbes-The Self-Optimizing Plant is Within Reach

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AspenTech can help the local process industry achieve 'Made in China 2025' vision

AspenTech can help the local process industry achieve 'Made in China 2025' vision

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Optimising the biggest natural resource - people

Optimising the biggest natural resource - people

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Chemical companies 'facing challenges'

Chemical companies 'facing challenges'

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Advanced planning, optimum results

Advanced planning, optimum results

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Heide Refinery licenses AspenTech optimisation software

Heide Refinery licenses AspenTech optimisation software

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How chemicals companies can drive resilience with the digital twin

How chemicals companies can drive operational resilience with the digital twin

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