On-Demand Webinar

Webinar: La próxima generación en Planificación y Programación, el primer paso para la Planta Auto-Optimizable

Las refinerías continúan buscando nuevas formas de mejorar su eficiencia y aumentar los márgenes es por eso que presentamos Aspen Unified ™, una solución innovadora que une, optimiza y simplifica la planificación y la programación.

On-Demand Webinar

Latest Innovations in Aspen HYSYS® Streamline Workflows for Improving Refinery Planning Model Accuracy

Learn how you can leverage the latest innovations in Aspen HYSYS to better maintain your refinery planning tools. The streamlined workflow in Aspen HYSYS, enables refineries to update Aspen PIMS™ planning models in-house resulting in more accurate planning models.

On-Demand Webinar

Learn Best Practices to Better Simulate your Refinery Operations

Complex processes present a challenge for refinery operations. The operational risks involved call for accurate analysis of plant behavior before making any changes to operations. Process simulation technology specialized in refining such as Aspen HYSYS Petroleum Refining® enables engineers to accurately simulate refinery operations to aid better decisions. Learn how you can leverage the latest technological innovations to make better operational decisions.

On-Demand Webinar


复杂的工艺对炼油厂的运营提出了挑战。由于涉及诸多风险,因此在更改任何运营方式之前,必须对工厂行为进行准确的分析。专门针对炼油的过程模拟技术(例如艾斯本 HYSYS Petroleum Refining®)使工程师能够准确地模拟炼油厂运营过程,以便做出更好的决策。学习如何利用最新的创新技术做出更好的运营决策。

On-Demand Webinar

Learn How Aspen HYSYS® Offers Improved Ways to Update Refinery Planning Models

Today when refineries worldwide are facing declining profit margins it is crucial for every refinery to ensure their planning models are up-to-date and effective in making plans that maximize profits. The latest Aspen HYSYS® V9 provides a much improved workflow to update your planning models. The latest improvements allow users to, save significant time and effort with the improved case study utility, interact with reactor models through Microsoft Excel® and transfer updated sub-models to Aspen PIMS™ and much more!, Today when refineries worldwide are facing declining profit margins it is crucial for every refinery to ensure their planning models are up-to-date and effective in making plans that maximize profits. Aspen HYSYS provides a streamlined workflow to update your planning models. The latest improvements allow users to, save significant time and effort with the improved case study utility, interact with reactor models through Microsoft Excel® and transfer updated sub-models to Aspen PIMS™ and much more!

On-Demand Webinar

Learn How Aspen HYSYS® Offers Refiners Streamlined Workflows to Update Refinery Planning

It’s critical to make sure your refinery planning models are in sync with changes in operating conditions or catalysts. However, the extensive effort required to update planning models means that many refineries are dependent on external consultants — thereby hindering regular updates and leading to lost profits. The latest innovations in Aspen HYSYS® give users a streamlined workflow, so refineries can update their Aspen PIMS™ planning models in-house, reduce the time and effort required for updates, and much more. Learn how you can leverage Aspen HYSYS® to boost profits through greater planning model accuracy!

On-Demand Webinar

Learn How You Can Better Monitor Fouling Levels of Your Heat Exchangers Using Plant Digital Twin

Fouling of heat exchangers causes excessive energy consumption, large pressure loss and sometimes process outages. Inability to directly measure fouling levels for operating units compounds the problem. Learn how the advanced plant digital twin solutions from Aspen Technology enable tracking of heat exchanger fouling levels both online and offline.

On-Demand Webinar

Learn the top 10 Best Practices in Designing Heat Exchangers for the Process Industry

Optimal heat exchanger design is vital for the efficient operation of any process plant. The integration between heat exchanger design and rating software, Aspen EDR, and the process simulators Aspen HYSYS® or Aspen Plus® enables engineers to design heat exchangers best suited to their processes. View this webinar to learn best practices on designing heat exchangers!

On-Demand Webinar

Leverage Visual Data Analytics to Drive Enterprise Performance

Did you know that up to 73% of data within an enterprise goes unused? With so many connected devices and processes, it’s critical for companies to more easily capture, view and share this data across functional areas.

On-Demand Webinar

Lubrizol’s Successes and Challenges in Batch Process Improvement

The batch processing industries have numerous opportunities to improve process development and batch operations. In this webinar, Dr. Michael Call, process modeling consultant for Lubrizol, discusses the successes and challenges experienced when applying process simulation to improve specialty chemical batch processes. Examples are discussed, with emphasis on the value added through process modeling, how modern process modeling tools facilitated model development and how similar successes can be achieved within your organization.

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