News Article

아스펜테크 "산업용 AI가 주도하는 자율 공장의 시대로"

self optimizing plant industrial artificial intelligence autonomous plant new era asset optimization software operational excellence digitalization safety sustainability

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Economic Times Energy World - Refinery of the future

Economic Times Energy World - Refinery of the future

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Addressing India's need for efficient power generation

Addressing India's need for efficient power generation

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Refineries can maximize profits with MSC software

Refineries can maximize profits with MSC software

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Interview with Antonio Pietri, President and CEO, AspenTech

Interview with Antonio Pietri, President and CEO, AspenTech

Digital Grid Management

Build, deploy, and host industrial artificial intelligence applications at enterprise speed and scale for your business self-optimizing plant and shop floor.

Case Study

European Engineering Company Saves $400,000 USD on CAPEX Using Performance Engineering

Discover how PETROLTERV saved significant CAPEX on a revamp project due to greater design accuracy enabled by the integrated aspenONE Engineering suite of products. Due to efficiencies gained from using this integrated software suite, PETROLTERV no longer needed to outsource a large number of engineering projects, such as air cooler design, pressure safety valve sizing and more. By increasing their ability to complete more projects in-house, PETROLTERV has reduced project costs, as well as delivered those projects on time and on budget.

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