
Maintenance and Reliability Managers: Make Your Assets More Reliable

Thanks to advances in AI, Automation and Data, maintenance and reliability managers are turning to new technologies to increase reliability and availability of assets.

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Improving End-to-End Supply Chain Resiliency

Technology will play a key role through digital collaboration tools and platforms to help orchestrate an organization's strategy for shoring up supply chain resiliency.

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Training on Digital Twins Reveals Performance Gaps, Opportunities

How Shell and other chemical process plants establish performance benchmarks and improve operations using 3D modeling.


What’s the Future for APM 4.0?

Independent research and advisory firm Verdantix surveyed 42 executives worldwide to gain insights on the expectations for Asset Performance Solutions (APM). The survey found that 100% of the respondents viewed APM as critical to meeting their business objectives, and 82% relate energy consumption and emissions reduction goals to APM. While these solutions have become the norm for predictive and prescriptive maintenance, companies are also beginning to turn to APM 4.0 to drive performance and sustainability.


Accelerating EPC Project Design, Decision-Making and Delivery

Today’s ever-changing market demands will require a new coordinated, concurrent approach from EPCs and Owner firms under pressure to improve processes while delivering safer, greener, faster and more cost-effective projects. View this video to learn about AspenTech® Concurrent Engineering, a proven solution that facilitates simultaneous cross-functional design and execution of multiple projects, for faster delivery and faster time to value.


Digitalization in Biodiesel: A Conversation with Novozymes

Novozymes' Global Marketing Manager for Biodiesel, Robert Lindström, shares how his team is helping drive biodiesel production at scale, and how AspenTech tools allow them to be more efficient.


Supply Chain Planning and Scheduling is Big in Japan

This conversation provides insights on supply chain planning, scheduling and optimization in the tires and specialty chemicals industries in Japan.


Holistic End-to-End Supply Chain Planning Optimization in the Pharmaceutical Industry

This conversation provides insights into unique pharmaceutical complexities that must be considered in end-to-end supply chain planning optimization.

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Carbon net zero in manufacturing: seven steps in seven years?

The appetite for carbon capture and clean-tech projects to accelerate progress to net zero in line with UN targets, is substantial.

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